P. A. at the age of 4.
Interested in contributing to the advancement of science, to work in a dynamic and multidisciplinary environment and be part of a multicultural group ?
A good education and ample expertise are essential to build a career, at any age. We would be happy to contribute to it.
Our group is always looking for talented and motivated people to strengthen the team, either for an internship, a Master, a Ph.D. or a Post-doc.
Since our research span over large domains (physics, engineering, biology, medicine) and as such can be of interest to a large number of people. However, given the limitations on available funding and physical space in the laboratories we can unfortunately only consider a very limited number of top applications which we contact for follow-up information or potential interviews.
While it is difficult to specify exactly what can be considered top applications, certain selection criteria are highly valued within the group. These include: motivation, rigor, methodology, creativity, clarity, organization, friendliness and many other. All the above mentioned qualities should be demonstrated in the statement of interested/experience and/or list of publications. At the same time the application should specify the field of interest and what added value the application brings to the group.
If you are interested in joining our group, please contact us.